Can lip fillers cause long term effects?

Temporary changes in the appearance of the lips or face are possible after dermal fillers, but irreversible damage can also occur. Necrosis, which means that a filler was injected into a blood vessel and caused tissue death, can have long-term effects. To help ease your concerns, below is a quick summary of the most frequently asked questions about lip injections. The likelihood of granulomas occurring increases with the ratio between surface area and volume of filler particles and their shape with sharp edges.

The amount of substance injected can be controlled, so that the doctor has better control over the amount of volume that is created on the lips. It would be best to give the patient a “filler pass” that notes what filler was injected, when and where. If you're concerned that lip injections may cause an outbreak, talk to your dermatologist about taking prophylactic antiviral medications (prescribed topically or orally) a few days before the procedure to help reduce the risk of an outbreak. The most common side effect of lip injections is nodule formation, which is common and can occur naturally due to lip movement.

These hyaluronic acid-based fillers contain hyaluronic acid, a natural substance that can add volume to the lips and improve the shape and structure of the volume of the lips. However, none of the patients who were biopsied in this study had been treated solely with fillers derived from hyaluronic acid. Fernández-Acener and her colleagues (200) reported the case of a 48-year-old woman who developed a lump on her upper lip 2 months after receiving a single Restylane injection. The injection of vitamin E in different oils gives a similar histopathological picture, but since now these injections are mainly used on the face, especially on the lips, in non-medical people the changes are much more acute and the inflammatory component is more evident in these cases.

Taking this quick and simple precaution can help reduce swelling, ease pain, and prevent bruising after a cosmetic procedure. In a subsequent interrogation, the patient acknowledged that a dermatologist had injected Restylane into her lips approximately 6 months before the appearance of the nodule, but did not mention it because she did not believe that the two events were related. At first, these symptoms may not seem to be related to the silicone filler, but patients and doctors should know that they may be related to the filler that circulates through the body. Silicone-based injectable fillers are durable, reducing the number of injections patients must receive over time and, therefore, may cost less money in the long run deadline.

Doctors believe that inflammation caused by an immune reaction to silicone-based fillers may be due to obstructions in the flow of lymph fluid or an allergic reaction. This is similar to a fat graft, except that instead of fat, the doctor will use a piece of their own skin to change the lips.

Judy Giannone
Judy Giannone

Hipster-friendly music advocate. Award-winning internet maven. Hipster-friendly food lover. General web specialist. Passionate food trailblazer.

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