The most common side effect of lip injections is nodule formation, which is common and can occur naturally due to lip movement. If lumps or bumps form, a hyaluronidase injection can be given to dissolve temporary hyaluronic acid (HA) fillers, such as Juvederm and Restylane. If you want to have your dermal fillers removed or reduced because of side effects, you may need additional procedures to reduce the filler or surgery to remove it. Anyone considering injecting their lips should choose a medical professional who has experience performing this type of procedure.
Lip fillers used on the lips have a lifespan of approximately six to twelve months, however, the lip area is in constant motion and, in a short period, you may need to replace them depending on the desired results. On the day of the procedure, you can visit the dentist's office, where a topical anesthetic will be applied to your lips. A case of lip swelling similar to that of angioedema has been documented after the injection of Restylane (Leonhardt et al., 200), although others have suggested that this phenomenon is very common after the injection of Restylane into the lips and does not represent a true angioedema reaction (Klein 200). Consider eating hydration-rich foods (such as fruits and vegetables) and healthy oils, such as avocados and nuts, to help your lips stay smooth and soft.
Bruising is another common side effect that you may experience for about a week, and your lips will feel different after the procedure due to the presence of the filler. Both Restylane and Juvederm, considered the reference product in hyaluronic acid filler, can be used to add volume and improve the appearance of the lips. While hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers have a low overall incidence of long-term side effects, some occasional adverse effects, ranging from chronic lymphoplasmacytic inflammatory reactions to classic foreign body type granulomatous reactions, have been documented. The most common dermal fillers currently available contain substances similar to hyaluronic acid, a natural substance in the body that helps increase lip volume.
Your doctor can discuss with you the advantages and disadvantages of lip augmentation options and help you decide which technique or product is best for you. Most side effects associated with dermal fillers, such as swelling and bruising, occur soon after the injection and many go away within a few days or weeks. You should also avoid drinking alcohol for at least 24 hours, as alcohol thins the blood and can worsen bruising on your lips. The benefits of lip injections include lip volume control, reasonably long-lasting results, the gradual pace of treatment, and the minimum likelihood of allergic reactions, since hyaluronic acid injections are made of substances similar to those found in the body.
Fat injections and implants are other techniques for volumizing the lips, but they are currently not being promoted because the results are different and there is a risk of side effects.